First Nations Happenings 

Nallei Jerring  

On Wednesday 12th June, our Woodman's Hill First Nations mob attended their second Nallei Jerring Leadership program at Saxton House. The program for this session looked into Nutritional habits and healthy food choices followed by the some traditional Aboriginal games ran by Wanyara a company that runs throughout schools and brings traditional art, games and dance together for students. We then had a yummy lunch of fruit platters and hot treats before having a quick Yarn about what the next program will include and how we are looking forward to our school holidays for a rest. 



Yarning Circles

Our weekly Yarning Circles have been a great way for our mob to get to know each other and talk about our culture, families, what we got up to on the weekend or even how we are feeling at school. I enjoy this weekly catch up with the First Nations students as it is an informal way of me checking in with them having a feed of fruit, biscuits, lollies and chocolates and the ever popular cold milo and making sure they are feeling culturally safe at school.



Reconciliation Week

The National Reconciliation week theme for 2024 was Now More Than Ever and ran from 27th May-3rd June. Throughout this week, our home groups completed some Sorry Day and Reconciliation activities to create awareness and educate our school community on this very important week for our First Nations People.

I watched a documentary called Off Country with my Yarning Circle Mob and would recommend this to watch for anyone who wanted an insight into what it is like for young First Nations people to be taken off their country and attend boarding school thousands of km’s away from the culture they have grown up with. 

Woodman’s Hill SC will continue to speak and strive for our First Nations People; we will share, celebrate, be inclusive and continue to create a culturally safe space for all our First Nations community. We pride ourselves on this promise.

Trish Fox- First Nations Leader (Proud Wotjobaluk women)