Senior School Report

Jess Hollands

What a term it’s been up in the senior school! 


The Year 10 students have completed their Teen Mental Health First Aid certificates this term as part of the Live4Life program. Well done to all of the Year 10 students who have participated and are now better equipped at helping their mates when it comes to mental health problems. 


Year 11 VM students have completed their RSA, Fooding handling, First Aid and White Card qualifications. Well done to those students who have successfully completed these and now have some knowledge to lean on for future possible jobs! 


Year 12 students and Year 12 students in the Accelerated Learning Program have completed two practice exams for the Writing and Numeracy sections in Part A of the GAT. This was done so students can get a glimpse of what will be on the GAT and to help prepare them for the GAT which occurs next Tuesday the 18th of June. Good luck to all students completing the GAT! 


As mentioned in the last newsletter, students from Year 10, 11 and 12 got all dressed up for the senior school social. Well done to all students who attended and represented Woodmans Hill in a positive manner!


In Week 6, we had Catherine King join us for an assembly to present an award. Two of our Senior First Nations students also presented at this assembly to explain National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week – Well done to Cooper Thompson and Tyler Hullah for getting up at the assembly. 


The senior school held nutrition week which involved a range of Home Group activities to increase students knowledge of the importance of nutrition on our well-being. This was then supplemented with fruit each day and sandwiches on Friday. 


This week Year 10 and 11 exams have kicked off! Congratulations to all students who have used their time wisely for study and have taken their exams seriously. Exams in Year 10 and 11 not only act as an additional assessment tool for teachers, but also provide students an opportunity to practice studying and building their stamina in preparation for end of Year 12 exams. Good luck to students on their results that they will receive over the coming days, however, remember your work ethic and resilience throughout this period is equally commendable as a high result. 


Year 10’s are off on camp next week! Students are headed to Melbourne to learn how to navigate public transport, learn more about different tertiary options in Melbourne including alternatives to university and of course will get to spend some time participating in fun activities with their peers! 


Lastly, Year 12s have their final well-being session (yoga) on Tuesday the 25th of June. This will be a great opportunity to have students stop and practice mindfulness whilst challenging themselves with something new before completing their Unit 3 practice exams throughout the holidays. Good luck to all scored VCE students who are completing these. 


Jess Hollands & the Senior School