Wellbeing and Engagement

Heather McClure

We are now on the home stretch of term 2! 


As always, it has been another busy fortnight. We have wrapped up our Attitudes to school, student survey. Thank you to all the students for taking part in such an important survey. As previously mentioned, the survey is one of the student voice tools that we use at Woodmans Hill. It provides us with valuable insight into student’s feelings and perceptions towards school and allow us, as staff, to reflect upon the feedback and adjust in accordance to the data.


In the coming week, our year 8 cohort will participate in the live 4 life pre-evaluation survey before they begin their training in early term 3. Our year 10 cohort completed their training last week and will be awarded their certificates during an assembly in the coming week.


As the weather has now well and truly cooled down, I would like to remind our families of our uniform expectations. In recent weeks we have noticed an increase in students wearing out of uniform hooded jumpers under or on top of their uniform. Hooded jumpers are NOT permitted to be worn at school. All of our classrooms are heated. School jackets are available through our uniform providers (Crockers and PSW) and can be layered over our school jumper for warmth.  A reminder that we also have second hand uniform available through our office.


If you should require support in purchasing uniform for your child, please reach out to the relevant year level leader as support through states schools’ relief is available.