Student of the Week

Award being presented: Friday August 18th 


(as Assembly on the 4th was canceled due to Production Rehersals) 

00ANomination 1: Arya - for all the hard work you have been putting in to your weekend writing. I love the way you are trying to sound words out on your own! Keep up the great work Arya! 
Nomination 2:  Emma - for you kind and caring nature towards everyone in Foundation A. Your kind nature and positive attitude fills our buckets! 
00BNomination 1: Bawi Tha - for your amazing 100 Days of School recount. I loved reading about your favourite part of our special day!
Nomination 2: Zen - for your wonderful commitment to your home reading. Your confidence is blossoming and I couldn’t be more proud of you!
00CNomination 1: Ganeev - for all the hard work and effort you have been putting into your learning. Keep up the amazing effort Ganeev!
Nomination 2: Abigail - for her fabulous smile and positive attitude towards learning. Keep up the awesome work Abigail!
00DNomination 1: Aurelia V - Welcome to Great Ryrie Primary, what a wonderful start you have made! You are a lovely addition to Foundation D. 
Nomination 2: Leroy - for his excellent recall of the different facts he has learnt during our literary appreciation sessions. We all love your enthusiasm when sharing your knowledge Leroy! 
00ENomination 1: Wei - for her amazing dedication to her home reading. Wei, you are making so much progress and I am so proud of you
Nomination 2: Elliott R - for your incredible dedication to teaching the class about the Zones of Regulation. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with us, Elliott!



Nomination 1:  Tyden D - for confidently sharing your ideas during class discussion. We love hearing your voice Tyden.
Nomination 2:  Tobias -  for always doing your personal best. You show resilience and determination during all learning tasks, keep it up Tobias
1BNomination 1: Eliza - for always demonstrating our school values of a Respectful, Responsible Learner. You are an excellent role model to your peers. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Lacey - for being a kind and caring member of our class. You are a wonderful friend to everyone and bring so much happiness into our classroom with your big smile and warm hugs. I am so proud of you. 
1CNomination 1: Ava - for your wonderful writing during our 101 days of school activity. It was great to read how you have become 101 day’s smarter. Keep up the fantastic work. 
Nomination 2: Sang Pi - for always showing kindness to your friends. We appreciate how you fill everyone's buckets. We are lucky to have you in 1C!
1DNomination 1:  Tung Pi - for your continuous hard work, excellent effort and supporting your classmates with encouragement and celebrating their efforts!  You are a true Bucket Filler and Respectful, Responsible Learner.
Nomination 2: Iang - for how hard you work in every class!  You are a great listener, ask for help when you need to and persevere to complete an impressive amount of work!  Well done.
2ANomination 1: Haunu, Haunu, you have been nominated by your classmates because they love how inclusive you are. Also you are very thoughtful and kind to everyone. We are so glad you are in our class!
Nomination 2: Isaac B, Isaac, you are a fantastic role model in the class. You are always respectful, responsible and a terrific learner. You listen carefully to all teaching instructions and always put great effort into completing a high standard of work.
2BNomination 1:  Jehu T - for working hard on his writing both during spelling as well as during our writing lessons. Well done Jehu
Nomination 2: Ariana M - for working hard with her school work throughout the term. Keep up the good work Ariana
2CNomination 1: Aiden M - nominated by his classmates for being entertaining and inclusive in the playground and for trying his best and always wanting to learn in the classroom.
Nomination 2: Suan Pi - for his positive attitude to learning and his tremendous responsibility for keeping the classroom neat and tidy.
3ANomination 1: Hayden - for trying his best with his learning all the time and making many pleasing improvements in all areas of his education. 
Nomination 2: Simon - for asking great questions in class to make sure you understand all of the learning tasks. 
3BNomination 1: Oskar - for cheering up his classmates when he notices that they aren’t 100%. 
Nomination 2: Dawnga - for making good choices on where to sit during class and being an active listener during learning time.  
4ANomination 1: 
Nomination 2:
4BNomination 1: Aadhi - for sharing your work more frequently with the class. We love hearing what you have to say!
Nomination 2: Matthew - for his engagement during our maths lessons. You showed great confidence when counting by different fractions!
4CNomination 1: Mollie  - nominated by your class for your hard work and amazing job creating direct speech in your writing. The conversation you created between characters was top notch!
Nomination 2: Bailey - for doing an amazing job when exploring fractions. You listened well and did an amazing job (and a half!) of converting improper fractions to mixed fractions.
5ANomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 
5BNomination 1:
Nomination 2:
5CNomination 1: Emilie - for juggling the expectations of school work and production expertly. Always wanting to be successful in all areas. 
Nomination 2: Maria - for the indepth research on your information report and creating an interesting and exciting poster.
6ANomination 1: Cadence - for sharing more of her wonderful knowledge in class discussions!
Nomination 2: Archer - for his motivation in Maths and giving problem solving challenges a go!
6BNomination 1: Raha - for her excellent, well researched and detailed information report on Betta fish.
Nomination 2: Hugo - for his enthusiasm towards his learning, always participating in class discussion and for continuously showing our school values. Great work Hugo.
6CNomination 1: Biak Nun - for his detailed analysis and interpretation of several chapters relating to our class novel.  Excellent work!
Nomination 2: Ryan T - for being such a pleasure to teach…attentive, conscientious and courteous.  Well done!



Nomination 1: Caitlin B (3A) for showing the school values and always participating during Indonesian. Bagus!
Nomination 2: William (3A) for your excellent listening skills and prompt response during Indonesian. You are absolutely a bright pelajar!
EALNomination 1: Moses 2A - for continuing to have a great attitude to improving your maths! It is wonderful to see the progress you have made!
Nomination 2: Asees 4A - for joining our EAL group and making fantastic contributions already. Well done! 
Performing Arts Nomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 



Nomination 1: Calvin J - (FDE) for being a fantastic learner. You share your ideas and always aim to produce your best work in Art. Great effort.
Nomination 2: Katie H - (FDA) for giving your best effort when painting your Hundertwasser landscape - it looks fantastic! Keep up the great work.