Senior School

Inquiry Learning

This term, students have been learning about Australia’s connections with countries in Asia. They have mapped the location of major Asian countries as well as some prominent physical features like rivers, mountains and oceans. Students have been working collaboratively, researching different aspects of their chosen countries and conferring online via Google Slides. They are expected to apply their understanding to create their own ‘new’ country with its own profile.

Parliament Prize

Late last term, the Parliament of Victoria asked students across the state, from Grade 5 to Year 12, to share what they would say to parliament if they were an MP. This competition gives students a chance to talk about the issues that are important to them and our community. Many of our senior students took on the challenge of shooting a video of no longer than 90 seconds to voice their views on an important issue. Below is a sample of our videos. Look out for more of our videos in coming Nokuna editions. Congratulations to all students that participated.