
SWPBS, Kimochis, RRRR

SWPBS update

Congratulations to the students who achieved their certificates last week!


SWPBS Matrix Update

As part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour System work, we are updating our matrix of expected behaviours. The aim is to ensure that it meets current community expectations in line with Department of Education requirements.


We would really value parent/carer input. All you need to do is think of unwanted behaviours that might occur at school, and the corresponding replacement behaviour you would expect. For example: Calling someone nasty names. (Unwanted behaviour) --> Speak respectfully. (Positive replacement behaviour).


Please use the link below to fill out the form for as many behaviours as you like.



Once we have input from students, staff and parents, we will synthesise the results into our updated matrix with the help of our regional SWPBS leader - Kerry Hammond.

We'll leave this open for you to contribute to for the next week, until the end of Tuesday the 8th of August.

Buddy Program Update

Teaching and Learning Through Play

Although you may think that our buddy program is all about big buddies helping little buddies, it is in fact a very reciprocal teaching and learning experience. During our developmental play sessions little buddies are often teaching their big buddies a thing or two. Not only do we learn about sharing, cooperating and communicating, but we have little buddies leading workshops on drawing, finger knitting, construction and friendship bracelet making. The sessions are incredibly fun and engaging for all involved, and really strengthen the buddy relationships and sense of community.