Bernadetta Martella

Wominjeka Everyone,


A big thank you to Tomoko for her beautiful ice cream cake – we surely enjoyed it!


  1. OSHC will provide All Day OSHC on the following days:
    • Monday the 14/8/23 
    • Tuesday the 15/8/23

From 7:30am to 6pm. Cost: $85 before CCS. Bookings are now open on Xplor Home app.

Reptile Incursion will happen on Monday the 14/8/23 from 1pm-2:30pm. Places will be limited to 45 students.

  1. Jakob’s Reserve Outing for grade 4-6: on Mondays from 4-5pm approx. Please note only students with permission forms can attend. 



  1. Child Satisfactory Survey 2023:

We value your children’s opinions and rely on this feedback to ensure we are providing the best quality program for all children attending. Please see the following link:


Please discuss these questions with your child and record their responses. If you have more than one child attending OSHC, we encourage you to complete a separate survey for each child.

The survey is completely confidential and you have the option of adding your name. Please also feel free to contact any of the OSHC educators, the OSHC Committee or the OSHC Coordinator if you wish to discuss your comments.

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your views.


  1. Student Free Day: Monday 6th of November – OSHC will not provide any care for the day, as all our educators will be away for a Professional Development. This means there will be no All Day OSHC on Monday 6/11/23. Please make sure to make any other childcare arrangement for the Melbourne Cup weekend. We do apologies for any inconvenience.


  1.  Change in CCS (Child Care Subsidy):

From 10 July 2023, CCS is changing. Most families using child care will get more subsidy. Some families previously not eligible for CCS will now get it.

Broadly, changes are:

The maximum amount of CCS is increasing from 85% to 90%.

  • The maximum amount of CCS is increasing from 85% to 90%.
  • Families earning $80,000 or less will get a CCS rate of 90%.
  • Families earning over $80,000 get a CCS rate that decreases by 1% for each $5,000 of family income. This rate reaches 0% for families earning $530,000.
  • Families earning below $362,408 with more than one child aged 5 or under in care can still get a higher rate for their second and younger children.
  • Families with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander child in their care can get at least 36 hours of subsidised care per fortnight.

Please make sure that you are receiving CCS if you are eligible. If you are not receiving, please let Bernadetta know ASAP.


PROGRAM For week 2 Term 3




Some moments from last week: 

Science Club: Building BridgesCooking Club: Cheese & Spinach Triangles
Water Colour PaintingOutdoor Games: Skipping rope

‘Till next week