
Curriculum News
Yr 12 students are currently in the midst of HSC Trial exams. These exams are an important rehearsal for the Higher School Certificate exams at the end of the year. They are also part of the assessment schedule for most subjects contributing significantly to the final Course mark and rank. Year 12 students will return to class from Week 5 and work with their teachers to finish courses, revise key concepts and practice for their final exams in October/November. Best wishes also to students in English Extension 2, Drama, Industrial Technology and Visual Arts who will shortly submit their final major works.
Students in Years 7-11 received their Semester One Report at the end of last term and should spend time considering a Learning Plan for the remainder of the year based on the feedback contained in this report. Mentor teachers will assist in this process.
Planning is under way for Year 10 2023 and their transition into Stage 6 or TAFE or work. A parent and student Information Session was held on Wednesday 10 August and all information was shared via COMPASS for those who were unable to attend. Transition to Stage 6 Interviews occurred on Wednesday 24 August. Students and their families met with Middle Leaders to discuss intended selections and the expectations of the College, including the importance of attendance. The process of building the 2024 timetable based on the information collected has now begun.
NAPLAN Results
NAPLAN results have been sent home with students in Years 7 and 9. Four new levels of proficiency (Exceeding, Strong, Developing, and Needs additional support) have replaced the previous bands. The 2023 NAPLAN results have continued the recent trend of demonstrating success in the Armidale system of Catholic schools. Students at McCarthy have indicated strong performances in numerous areas of the assessment. There have also been some outstanding individual achievements. Congratulations to all students who have shown a commitment to their learning. If you have any questions about your child’s NAPLAN results please do not hesitate to contact Nicole Anderson or Briony Martin.
Sally Sparke
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Briony Martin
Leader of Learning and Teaching/Leader of Pedagogy
Nicole Anderson
Leader of Pedagogy/Literacy Coach