Library News

A McCarthy Library Welcome Back to Term 3!
Welcome back to our students and staff from the McCarthy Library staff. It is lovely to see students and staff back, enjoying our spaces and borrowing books and research resources.
Supporting our seniors in their studies onsite and online
The Trial HSC Exams are underway. We are supporting our students by providing both quiet study and collaborative study areas for our senior students. We have an extensive collection of resources to support our students in their research or exam preparation. Come in and ask for research support and resources available from the Oliver Catalogue. We can also guide students in finding relevant and reliable information from our library homepage including academic writing and bibliographic support, and relevant research via Britannica, SORA, ClickView, Issues In Society and the Tamworth Regional Council and NSW State Libraries. We are here to help and support students.
We also have a large collection of past HSC and Preliminary Year exams on most subjects for students to look at and use as they prepare for exams this term.
Reading, talking and listening to books
The English reading program for Year 7 and 8 is continuing again this term. We are looking forward to our presentation to these classes to show them how to find and borrow eBooks and audiobooks to read and listen to through SORA.
Our book displays change regularly to highlight books in our collection.
Board Games on Mondays
Board games and cards are a popular pastime in the library during break times. On Monday lunch time we invite our students to come into the library and play games. The Library has an extensive range of cards. We have some well known games like chess and we have also recently purchased some newer games. There is something for everyone. All are welcome to come and join in and we look forward to seeing our students enjoying playing these games.
Premier’s Reading Challenge ends very soon
This is a reminder to those students who are completing the Challenge in 2023. You will need to finalise and submit your reading list as the Challenge closes on 18 August 2023. We hope you have enjoyed your Challenge.
Coming soon to the library:
Science Week in Week 5
We are celebrating Science Week 2023 with book displays and participating in an online webinar organised by the State Library of NSW which will be attended by two Stage 4 Science classes. They will have the opportunity to listen to Corey Tutt OAM, Kamilaroi man, acclaimed author, founder and CEO of DeadlyScience. One of Corey's passions is to encourage students to consider science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers and to share his knowledge of how First Nations peoples have over 65,000 years of STEM knowledge in science, technology, astronomy and engineering.
CBCA Awards and Book Week 19-25 August
We will be celebrating Book Week with opportunities for students to participate in events centered around the theme “READ GROW INSPIRE” and to have special guests reading from the shortlisted books to classes. Watch out for more information coming soon.
Ms Libby Laird
Teacher Librarian
Mrs Susan Barrett
Teacher Librarian