Environmental Council

Clean Up Australia Day

On the 28th of July members of the Environmental Council assisted in National Tree Day around the school. Our team was accompanied by Mr Nichols and Mr Williams who both graciously donated their time to work with us on our project. Our teams had the responsibility of transferring some of our plants into areas along the Tribe Street fence line and others were preparing the fence line further down, so that we have the possibility to continue our project when the time comes. 

The day ran smoothly as our teams worked independently with the teachers doing their best to get the work done in the limited time that we had together. Mr Williams and some of the boys from the Environmental Council worked tirelessly to make sure that we had the equipment and materials that we needed when we needed them, while Mr Nichols and the rest of the team worked to transfer the plants that have been growing in our nursery all year.

As the team recovers from the large project that we tackled, the Environmental Council is coming close to finishing the mural, which should be done by the end of the term. In addition we have a team of students who are working their best to clear the backlog that we have of paper that needs to be shredded in Lab 1.

Thank you to everyone who has supported and continues to support the Environmental Council and our projects. For those interested in joining us we hold meetings every Thursday at second break in Lab 1. We can’t wait to see you all there.


Charlette Lyon - Publicity officer