Friends of Rowville Primary School
Friends of Rowville Primary School
FORPS is a group of parents and teachers who volunteer their time to run events for the school community. FORPS aims to bring people together and provide opportunities to become involved in school events while developing friendships and providing fun activities for children and adults alike. In 2022 this included a Colour Run, Disco, and the Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls.
In 2022, the events run by FORPS generated over $23,000! All funds raised directly benefit the school by improving the quality of resources available to the students. The funds raised by FORPS have contributed to the development of the 21st Century Learning Centre, the canteen refurbishment and outdoor seating for the Kids Cafe. This year we will be raising funds to contribute to the development of an outdoor sensory play space.
We are working towards an exciting line up of events for 2023 including a Disco, Readathon, a Colour Run and hopefully a movie session! We also welcome suggestions for new events.
We urgently require new members for 2023, so please come along and share your ideas to help build our School community. Our next monthly meeting will be held on Monday 14 August at 7.30pm.
If you would like to find out more about FORPS and how you can be involved,
in any capacity, no matter how small, please email or leave your name at the school office.
A great gift for someone special
If you are looking for something a bit different to gift to someone special, please consider an Entertainment Book. There are special offers at the moment. As a bonus you will also be supporting Rowville Primary School as 20% of the purchase price is donated to the school. Please follow the link to make your purchase.