General News

Online Parent Opinion Survey

On Monday 7th August, you received via email a link to our Parent/Caregivers/Guardians survey. The Parent/Caregiver/ Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. The Survey is open from Monday 7 August to Friday 8 September 2023.

National Day of Action Against Bullying

Friday, 18th August is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.  The theme of the week is Growing Connections.

At Toorak Primary, we are working hard to create a respectful and kind school community. During National Bullying Prevention Week (14th-20th August), students will participate in a series of lessons that incorporate current school programs such as Respectful Relationships, Zones of Regulation, and School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support.

Various Prep to 6 activities including a school pledge and anti-bullying messages will be complemented by a whole school activity to connect students with one another and to our school community.

Our friends from Kinder Communities will be supporting us this week by providing the stepping stones for our Bullying and Violence prevention lessons and helping us empower our students to make a stand against bullying.

Lesson 1. Understanding the different types of violence.

Lesson 2. Explore why we hurt each other and understand this is an important stepping stone to increasing empathy and compassion

Lesson 3. Making positive connections to our school values and how we can be connected in all our actions and words.

On Friday at our school assembly, parents are invited to participate in our school assembly on the basketball courts at 2.45pm

Students will showcase some of their work and share their connected commitment to the school pledge to eliminate bullying.

Come and be a part of the growing connection!


This year's Book Week is fast approaching! The theme for this year is READ, GROW, INSPIRE! We have some exciting activities planned for Week 7. Please make a note of these diary dates to celebrate the wonderful world of reading: 


Tuesday, 22nd of AugustParent Open Morning (Reading focus) - please meet in the hall at 9am for a small introduction and then you will make your way to watch a reading activity in your child's class at 9.15am. 


Wednesday, 23rd of AugustBook Week Dress Up Day. Students are encouraged to create a costume around this year's theme. We would love to encourage homemade costumes, made out of recycled objects that you already have around the house, rather than store bought costumes. We will have a Book Week Parade, starting at 9.15am, to celebrate our wonderful Book Week costumes.


Friday, 25th of August: Author Visit: Lucinda Gifford 

Lucinda Gifford is a well-renowned children's author and illustrator of picture books, junior books and longer chapter books. Students will be participating in sessions with her to celebrate the wonders of literacy from a real-life author's perspective. 

Junior School Council Food Collection

  • It's not too late to donate cans of tinned food to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. If you would like to contribute,  please delive your cans of tinned food to your classroom. The class with the most donated cans will receive a Bakers Delight Hamper.

Pupil Free Day - Monday 6 November

A pupil free day will be held on Monday 6th November followed by the Melbourne Cup public holiday on Tuesday 7th November.

Exiting Students

If you have a child in Foundation through to Grade 5 who is planning to leave Toorak Primary School at the end of 2023 could you kindly email the office at Thank you.

Cake Lotto is Back!

The hugely popular Cake Lotto is back for Term 3! Weekly tickets are available on Qkr for $2 per ticket and 2 lucky winners will be drawn each week at Friday's Assembly. (Tickets close each Friday at 10am). A different Year level is responsible for baking each week.

Volunteering to bake a cake is easy. 

Please click on the following web link to go to the signup sheet:

To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.

Thank you for volunteering!

Trivia Night - 18th August

Toorak Primary School Trivia Night, tickets available on Qkr! now. Join us on Friday 18th August at 7pm, Malvern Town Hall, for a night of fun, laughs and trivia. All money raised will go towards upgrading our playground and surrounding garden area. Options to purchase are individual tickets $45pp -  include your child's year level/class and you will be seated together or nominate a table Captain. Alternatively you can purchase a table. Seats are limited! Donations welcome...hotel vouchers, food/drink hampers, goods and services vouchers, Please contact