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Chess Solution:
1. Rh7! The best move. The rook prevents the black king from escaping up the board. After 1…Kf8, the white king is now free to move up the board to assist the rook. Play may continue with 2. Ke2 Kg8 (attacking the rook) 3. Ra7! (The rook moves furthest away from the black king and still keeps it confined to the edge of the board) 3…Kf8 4. Ke3 Ke8 5. Ke4 Kd8 6. Kd5 Kc8 7. Kd6 Kb8 (not 7…Kd8 because of 8. Ra8 checkmate) 8. Rh7! (Using the same logic as on move three) Kc8 9. Rg7! (Losing a move on purpose) 9…Kb8 (not 9…Kd8 because of 10. Rg8 checkmate) 10. Kc6 (Forcing the black king into the corner) 10…Ka8 (not 10…Kc8 because of 11. Rg8 checkmate) 11. Kb6 Kb8 12. Rg8 checkmate.