Cranbourne Secondary College Fitness Room 

Miss Gibson - HPE Coordinator 

We are excited to announce that applications are officially open for year 10, 11 and 12 students for our new fitness room inside of our stadium. The fitness room is open for selected students, who have been successful in gaining a spot for our after school fitness sessions, run by experienced personal trainers from Infinite Fitness Peninsula gym in Cranbourne. A range of fitness sessions will be run including conditioning, high intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength, in a circuit style, guided by the industry professionals.  

In weeks 1 and 2 of Term 3, our first training sessions commenced in our fitness room with a selected group of students, who participated in a range of exercises in a 1-hour circuit, run by personal trainer Caitlin from Infinite Fitness, who guided students on correct form during each exercise and pushed students out of their comfort zones to improve individual fitness levels.  


Applications for the fitness room can be downloaded from the newsfeed on Compass and each round of applications will close each Wednesday. Positions are limited, due to the size of our gym, so get in quick to avoid missing out! All interested students must have their applications supported by their current HPE teacher or trusted teacher and a Year Level Engagement Coordinator, then handed into the stadium office. Any students with questions about the fitness room should speak to either Mr Clements, Miss Gibson, or Miss Duyar. We are excited to invite our first groups of students into our fitness room for this unique opportunity.