
Words from Wellbeing: 


Liz Nelson- Wellbeing Support/Social Worker RESILIENCE


This is a word we often hear thrown around and a quality that we all hope we can build in our children as well as our own lives. 


Our own resilience is an ongoing work in progress and our ability to manage and model resilience in our own lives will support our own children’s capacity for resilience.


As mentioned in the previous newsletter I recently attended The Resilient Kids Conference in Melbourne, Maggie Dent a well known parenting educator was one of the key speakers- her poster- 10 Resilience Building Blocks for children 0-12 is attached below.


Maggie Dent's definition of resilience: 2006 ‘ Resilience refers to one’s ability to manage one’s life and to successfully adapt to change and stressful events in healthy and constructive ways.


It is about the capacity to bounce back from positive and negative life experiences.

To develop emotional and psychological buoyancy in childhood gives our kids a better prospect of being able to thrive as adults’.


Maggie Dent has many worthwhile parent resources on her website.