Foundation Students

Celebrating our fabulous Foundies!

Literacy: (all FA & FB)

We are starting our digraph unit now as part of the Little Learners Love Literacy program. As an introduction lesson to each digraph, we pull out items from the ‘Sound Box’ and work out what sound they all have in common. This week it was ‘ck’ which the students figured out, is often near the end of the word. Students enjoyed a range of activities and games to consolidate this over the week.


Maths: Harry 0

In maths, students have been enjoying their subtraction unit and have even been learning about number line subtraction. With a range of activities including human-sized number lines drawn with chalk or even holding up numbers in the classroom, students have been practising taking away by counting back. Here Harry O is doing some great work for his first lesson on this! When they make a mistake it’s a great moment to chat with the student and let them work out and correct their own work too! 


Wellbeing: Eden K


Our topic at the moment is ‘Personal Strengths’. It has been so lovely to see students identify their own and explore this topic further with a variety of activities in class. Eden did a wonderful job identifying her own… You are certainly all those things and more, Eden!