Funding Update  2024

Tim Argall - Executive Principal

Some great news!


You may have caught the announcement (right in the middle of the holidays) regarding the newly imposed payroll tax on Victoria’s independent schools, one I wrote about on 7 June in Principally Thinking when it was first announced in the Victorian State Budget in May.


In my first article, it appeared that it would be very difficult for us to see a way we would not be caught up in the new tax, as our average school fee was higher than the threshold proposed ($7,500 per annum).


But, where we see it as incredibly problematic, God already had a solution. To those who prayed specifically for a reversal of this decision – of which many, many in our community let us know they were doing so – a clear answer from God was given when the announcement of final details was made.


The threshold was doubled (to $15,000 per annum). This means we avoid being required to pay this payroll tax - we are exempt. 


Furthermore, in a breathtaking answer to prayer, as far as we can determine, all Christian Education National and Christian Schools Australia schools in Victoria are exempt.


For us, as a school, this means that we will – as a result of this decision – be saved from the possibility of recouping this very unfair tax through significantly elevated annual fee increases. I am sure all would agree that this is great news for all our families.


As a community, we will continue to pray that there will be further easing on the imposition of this tax on those schools whose good functioning might be threatened by the tax being applied to their operational budgets.