Aboriginal Education Parent and Carer Group (AEPCG)

Junior AECG
The Junior AECG (JAECG) is a student committee that is established by a Local AECG (LAECG) and functions as an independent subcommittee of their LAECG. The establishment and purpose of Junior AECGs works within the Aims and Objectives of the Association. Junior Membership is open to Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal students aged between ten (10) and eighteen (18) years of age. Throughout the year JAECG representatives will be invited to their LAECG committee meeting to share and report on JAECG activities within their school. It is also an opportunity for the JAECG to receive support and guidance from their LAECG and community. The LAECGs will then update the Regional AECG on the development and achievements of the JAECG. The JAECG committee is made up of elected Executive Committee and members. It is encouraged that Aboriginal Students hold executive positions.
Student Voice
The JAECG committee is a platform that gives students a voice and agency within their school community. Student voice is when students actively participate in the decision-making at school on things that shape their educational experiences.
Supporting Aboriginal students’ voices, having their ideas and opinions considered, establishes a student’s sense of belonging, positive relationships with teachers and peers and acknowledges their diverse and unique cultural identity. The JAECG collaborating with the school community is a consultative process which allows for stronger representation of Aboriginal Cultures throughout the school environment.
Please click the link below to access the Junior AECG Membership Application Form