Year 10 Information

Year 10 is the most important year for students to consolidate their conceptual knowledge and skills before the start of Year 11


What's expected of students in Year 10


Students must prepare for the following when transitioning into Year 10:

  • They must expect an increase in conceptual difficulty as the modules/topics become more challenging to understand
  • They must expect an increase in workload as it takes longer for homework completion
  • They must be more self-directed in their learning

Assessing which subjects are right for me


Year 10 is the final opportunity to determine which subjects are a right fit for Year 11. Students who have a clear idea of what subjects they plan to study in Year 11 and 12  are more likely to take Year 10 subjects more seriously and therefore more successful.


As universities are increasingly requiring students to have a minimum HSC result in English and Mathematics for various courses, it's important for students to decide early in Year 10 which subjects they wish to continue in Year 11. This way, they can maximise their chances of success in key areas and subjects.


We would like to introduce our Year 10 Year Advisors, Mrs Evelyn Harrington and Mr Norm Cowan


Please click on the link below to view the Year 8 Assessment Schedule



Please see below book list and requirements for Year 10