Year 9 Information

Year 9 is the first year of Stage 5 where students are expected to start taking a greater ownership of the learning. Students get to pick the elective units that they wish to study, this includes art, drama, languages, economics. In Year 9, the students will begin the Stage 5 curriculum, and as a result, they will sit an important NAPLAN test. This test assesses their literacy and numeracy levels against the Stage 5 standard.


What is expected of Year 9 students in High School


Students must prepare for the following when transitioning into Year 9:

  • An increase in subject difficulty as they begin Stage 5
  • An increase in homework
  • They must develop and apply critical thinking skills to solve unseen problems
  • Sitting the Year 9 NAPLAN assessments

We would like to introduce our Year 9 Year Advisors Evelyn Harrington and Norm Cowan.


Please click on the link below to view the Year 8 Assessment Schedule



Please see below book list and requirements for Year 9