Beauy Bake Off

Monday 11 September

The Beauy Bake Off is an annual event run for all students who are interested in an amazing way to show off their cooking skills! 


How it works: Enter your bake-off entry by cooking it at home and bringing it to school on the morning of Monday 11 September.


On the day: After submitting your bake-off entry in the morning, our judging panel will decide on the winners based on taste, presentation and best fit to the selected theme. 


ALL bake-off entries submitted will be sold during lunch for a gold coin donation and all proceeds will be donated to the Challenge organisation!

This year we are having multiple themes to involve as many participants as possible. So, get your thinking caps on! The themes are as follows:

  • Tallest Cake
  • Biggest Cookie 
  • Most Realistic (Is it cake?)
  • Bake a Teacher (have a go at decorating the face of your favourite teacher on a cake!)
  • Best Cupcake Art 

Please enter via the link in your Year Level Teams or through the Microsoft Form link below.


This year, all funds will be going to the Challenge organisation. 


Challenge is a not-for-profit organisation that supports children and families living with cancer, 365 days a year. Their support is free and immediate, helping to lighten the cancer journey by addressing the practical, social, and emotional needs of all their members. Whether it is help at home or a weekend away, they tailor their services to meet the requirements of each individual within the family unit. 


Annabelle H & Liv H (Year 11 students)
