Principal's Report 

"Kindness and compassion towards all living things is a mark of a civilized society." - Cesar Chavez

Fostering Compassion in Our School Community

Compassion lies at the heart of our educational philosophy, and I am proud to witness its positive impact on our students' personal growth, relationships, and overall learning experience.


Compassion plays a key role in educating young people to be critical global citizens. It guides our actions and interactions. It's about showing kindness, empathy, and understanding to others, regardless of their background or circumstances. In a world that can sometimes feel fast-paced and disconnected, our school remains dedicated to nurturing a sense of compassion that will serve our students well beyond the classroom.


Our teachers integrate compassion into the fabric of our curriculum. Students will be learning about the Holocaust and how to prevent such atrocities from being part of their future. Students will have the opportunity hear from a Holocaust survivor which will help foster empathy and a connection to the world beyond school.


Cultivating Empathy: Empathy is a cornerstone of compassion, and we recognize its importance in promoting inclusivity and understanding. Our Wellbeing Team have been working closely with teachers to integrate activities into our very important GOAL program that help students develop their empathy skills. These activities include open discussions, role-playing scenarios, and creative projects that encourage students to see the world from different perspectives.


Parent and Community Involvement: Our commitment to compassion extends beyond the school walls. We encourage parents and the wider community to join us in promoting compassion and empathy. Our workshops, seminars, and collaborative projects provide opportunities for parents to engage in conversations about raising compassionate children and contributing to a compassionate society.

Good Luck Class of 2023

As we move into our first group of Year 12 students finishing their secondary school journey, we wanted to acknowledge this with the 'Good Luck Class of 2023' board that went up on the corner of Reserve and Balcombe Roads this week. We extend our gratitude to Ami Russell, Foundation parent, for this delightful expression of goodwill towards our Year 12 students.

Debby Chaves
