100 Days of School

100 Days of Learning, Growth, and Fun in Foundation


It is truly astounding that we have already reached the significant milestone of completing 100 days of learning, growth, and adventures together in Foundation. This achievement stands as a testament to the hard work and dedication of our Athol Road Foundation students, teachers, and families. The '100 Days of School' celebration is an eagerly awaited event, with students counting down the days in anticipation throughout the first half of the year. This daily ritual of counting one more day towards 100, not only reinforces their numeracy skills but also introduces the concept of time in a tangible and meaningful way.


The excitement on the 100th day was palpable as students arrived dressed in delightful 'What I might look like when I am 100' costumes, complete with spectacles, grey hair, and walking sticks. It was a heartwarming sight to see the students and teachers embracing the playful spirit of the occasion.


In the morning, our Foundation families were invited to the learning space to engage in a

 craft activity alongside their children. Together, they decorated and constructed colourful pairs of 100 glasses, fostering a sense of shared joy in learning. Following the family time, students took a moment to reflect by writing and drawing their favourite memories from their first 100 days at Athol Road Primary School. It was a chance for them to appreciate the growth and progress they have made since their first day at school.


After Recess, students put their math skills to the test, planning a wish list of items they would buy if given $100. It was an excellent opportunity for them to apply their mathematical knowledge in a practical and imaginative context. This was followed by a special lunch of fairy bread, adorned with generous helpings of 100's and 1000's, which added an extra sprinkle of delight to the day.



The excitement didn't stop there, as Foundation students were paired with their Year 6 Buddies for a collaborative activity in the afternoon. Working together, they created colourful celebratory necklaces, comprising of 100 beads. The older students were undoubtedly filled with nostalgia, reminiscing about their own time in Foundation and cherishing the chance to mentor their younger peers.


The highlight of the day came in the form of a heartwarming assembly in the afternoon. Foundation students received their well-deserved '100 Days Smarter' certificates and medals from their Year 6 Buddies. The assembly featured a touching 100 days photo slideshow, eliciting many smiles and cheers from the audience. The students then paraded down the red carpet to rousing applause from their fellow year levels, basking in the support and pride of the entire school community.


Our 100 Days of School celebration is a testament to the progress made, the friendships formed, and the immense potential of our Foundation students. As teachers, we couldn't be prouder of the dedication and enthusiasm exhibited by each and every student. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible students, our dedicated teachers, and our supportive parents for making this celebration a resounding success.


Here's to the next hundred days of learning, growth, and joyful experiences at Athol Road Primary School! Together, we will continue to nurture and inspire our young learners to reach new heights of academic and personal achievement.