
In Term 3, Foundation students will learn how to introduce their family members in Mandarin through engaging hands-on activities, including role-playing and colouring. 


Year 1/2 students will explore the language elements related to emotions and feelings. They will learn essential vocabulary words and phrases associated with various emotions. They will practise using these words in conversations, expressing how they feel, and understanding others' emotions. 


Students in Years 3-6 will focus on expressing various aspects of school life in mandarin, including subjects, school facilities, and school routines. They will learn subject names in Mandarin, such as Mathematics, Science, Arts, and Physical Education. They will engage in conversations and activities that involved discussing their favorite subjects and sharing their experiences in those classes. Additionally, students will school facilities, such as the canteen, learning relevant vocabulary and practise using Mandarin to describe these facilities, their purposes, and their locations within the school.


Year 1/2 students learning to write Chinese characters
Year 1/2 students learning to write Chinese characters