Learning Space News

Year 1/2



Students have been learning about making inferences whilst reading using their prior knowledge (schema) and the clues in the text. They have been aiming to get a 3-star inference by thinking about what we think is happening by using clues and evidence in the pictures and text and connecting it to what is already known. They are also demonstrating ways to be good readers by using segmenting and blending to help them read new words.


Students have been learning to write information reports and have been busy reading non fiction texts from the library! They have been identifying the different non fiction text features, such as a table of contents and a glossary. They use these facts to write about an animal’s appearance, diet and habitat.  


Students have been engaged with exploring numbers through multiplication and investigating various representations, such as groups of, repeated addition and arrays. They have also been exploring the world of subtraction and learning new strategies to help them solve two-digit problems, such as the jump strategy, counting back and using number lines. 

Students have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past. They have measured the area of  using informal units. They have been learning how to read maps, as well as giving and following directions using a map. 


Student Voice

We are creating an inclusive and engaging environment in the 1/2 Learning Space where the development of student voice takes centre stage! 

Students and staff have worked together to create a higher profile of student voice through visuals, language and getting students to take responsibility for their own learning. 

Developing student voice is an important part of learning at Athol Road Primary School. Student Voice Leaders are collecting regular ideas from their peers to enhance their learning experiences including collecting ideas for changing developmental play to make it more engaging and exciting. As a 1/2 cohort the students are becoming stronger at decision-making, goal-setting and taking personal responsibility. Student voice matters!


How you can help at home:

  • Supporting students to complete their take home readers each night
  • Listening to students read and asking them questions about their text



Students are investigating the topic of ‘Creating Designed Solutions’. They had fun at the Scienceworks excursion, becoming Rollercoaster Engineers and designing their own rollercoasters! 

Students are learning about how to be creative thinkers and inventors who know how to design new and improved objects, using a variety of materials. The end of term project is to design their own robots!

Please come and have a chat with any of us before or after school if you have any questions for the teachers! We look forward to having a fantastic Term 3 together!