
Term 3 has seen the commencement of the new and exciting ‘Buddies Program’! Year 5s, 6s and Foundation students have formed ‘buddy’ partnerships or groups and are coming together on a fortnightly basis (every second Friday afternoon) to do interesting activities.


In their first session, the older students read a letter they had written to their Foundation buddy and had the opportunity to play and explore the Foundation Learning Space together.  Below is one of the letters that a Year 6 student wrote to their Foundation buddy.


Their second session coincided with ‘100 Days of School’ and the younger students were welcomed into the Year 5/6 space amidst the excitement of bubbles and beads. Buddies worked together to make necklaces to honour the 100 days celebrations. 


Students are enjoying spending time with their buddies as expressed by the following students:


Jayden & Kai

Jayden – “He’s very enthusiastic and he has a really good personality and he has a lot of interests – He doesn’t pick just one thing. He’s always very happy when I see him.”

Kai – “He always shows the RICH values – all of them!”




Erica & Claudia

Erica – “I like being buddies with Claudia because she is very fun and supportive of me.”

Claudia – “I like playing with her and I like making a necklace.”




Steven & Tyler

Steven – “It’s fun because we like to build stuff together and we like the same things.”

Tyler – “We like to build together and do some fun games.”