SRC News

SRC News - VicSRC Congress 2017

During the Winter Holidays Ky Duyen Long (Year 11) and Mia Sherman (Year 10) represented MGC at the VicSRC Congress. The Congress is an annual event run by the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria that aims to celebrate and strengthen the student voice of Victoria by inviting schools across the state to share their ideas. Through formal debating and voting the Congress decided that the top five priority areas for the VicSRC in 2017-2018 were:








Senior School SRC Co-Captain, Ky Duyen Long had this to say about her time at Congress.

"My three days with the VicSRC was a short but wonderful experience for me! It was amazing to meet students from across the state and even interstate coming together to discuss and act on the issues they were passionate about to their education. I was apart of the 'Take Student Voice Seriously!' action team. Our issue was that the ideas and opinions presented by students were often not considered or taken seriously by the teachers and principals in many schools.  


The action team came up with three resolutions: 


1. Having students on the school council, where we have a say and allow to vote on what matters the most to our education. 


2. Having an SRC Constitution written up by students for every school. This is a resource which ensures that students can share their ideas and thoughts openly and comfortably and trust that their opinions are taken seriously. This was an idea brought from our own SRC at MGC.


3. Having a Social media presence, starting off with a Facebook page for all SRC’s to share ideas and experiences.


Our action team made it into the top 5, therefore it is one of the prioritised resolutions that the VicSRC will work on. 


I am very grateful for the wonderful opportunity! I have learnt and gained so much from these three days and now feel even more inspired and motivated to share what I've experienced to our SRC and make a positive change to student voice! :)" 


It is also our great honour at MGC to have Mia Sherman elected to the VicSRC Executive. This is a position that many past MGC SRC representatives have held, and this will allow the MGC SRC to continue to be making a difference for not only our own students but also students and schools across the state. Mia will have the opportunity over the next 12 months to consult with the Minister for Education, Parents Victoria, the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria and other education bodies as she works with the VicSRC Executive to achieve their vision of a student-focused education system that enhances young people’s capacity to change the world.