Making the most of our situation

As we continue on our online learning journey, we embrace the technological opportunities available to our musicians at the College. Online instrumental lessons are proving to be very successful, with many of our students enjoying the chance to include music practice and playing in their isolation experience, and many families grateful for this creative outlet for their children. This week, I outline some of the ways we can make the most of the situation we are in, and spin our talents and new found time into great sounding music when we return. 


Practice every day in isolation

Relax. Be yourself. Play a lot. - Joe Satriani (Deep Purple)

I encourage everyone to play music while at home in isolation. If you take music lessons or are in a College ensemble, you should set yourself a goal of at least 30 minutes practice per day, and at least two hours for students studying at AMEB 5th grade level or above. Repeated daily practice builds muscle memory and tone. It’s also a great way to relieve stress, increase circulation and enable the subconscious to process your day’s learning.


Break a record and win points for your house

TRAC Isoloation

To motivate you all to practice, we have launched TRAC Isoloation. It’s a solo music challenge. I challenge all musicians to make a video or audio recording of themselves playing something on their instrument and uploading it to our Isoloation base. Our aim is to create the longest ever collection of solo items made in isolation. You can earn points for your house, be part of our record attempt and set goals for your practice. Thanks to all those students who have already entered. Keep the entries coming. Find the details on the infographic below.


Discover new software


All Band, Orchestra, Stage Band, Encore students and many year 7 students playing single line instruments have been invited to join SmartMusic. This incredibly intuitive software allows students to select music to play, with high level digital accompaniment, click tracks, and a tuning feature. The SmartMusic program allows you to record yourself, with or without a guide track. You can loop sections, or slow it down, for focussed practice. Teachers can assign pieces for you to play, record and submit for feedback. If you have received an email invite from me to join, please accept and explore SmartMusic. But you do not need an invite. Anyone can join! Just log in to the website and follow the prompts. It’s all free until June 30. Let’s make the most of it!


Best Ensembles ever!

“We have rehearsals not to learn our own part, but to learn everyone else’s part” - James Morrison (Australian trumpeting legend)

Do you know what makes great ensembles great? Most professional bands and orchestras only meet for rehearsal once or twice before a performance. Why does it work? Because they come to rehearsal already knowing their part. If you are in the Band, Orchestra or Stage Band, you have the opportunity to learn your part while in isolation. New music for this term has been posted in the Classroom, and where possible, assigned in SmartMusic. See how much ensemble music you can learn while at home!


Catch up on your theory

The AMEB is offering its Grade 1, 2 and 3 Online Theory courses free online until June 30. Brush up on your music theory and expand your knowledge of how music works.

Gifted and Talented Music Program 

Enjoy and be inspired by these digital performances made by Year 7 students in our Gifted and Talented Music Program as part of their online learning

Lilah Norden on flute

Carter Zhang on piano

Juliette Kozlik on drums









Clare Brassil | Director of Music Performance