Cross Country - New Date!

Unfortunately the College Cross Country did not take place on the last day of Term One due to COVID-19 restrictions. It seems most likely with the current social isolation protocols in place that BISSA and CIS Cross Country will not take place in 2020. If this information does change, we will inform you as soon as possible. We have set a new date for the College to participate in the 2020 Cross Country which has been rescheduled on the last day of Term 2 - Friday 26th June.

NSW CIS Events status update for Term 2

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing enforcement of social distancing measures, all CIS events in Term 2 have been cancelled. We will keep you posted  on the status of our Term 3 events and review the situation again on the 30 May.  An updated news alert has been placed on the CIS website.

Lyndall Jesse - NSWCIS CEO

College Colours

If you would like to apply for a Sporting College Colour in 2020 please access the criteria and application forms from the College Website (located here in the Co-Curricular tab). This is inclusive of the Preston Butcher Cup Open Girls Touch Footballers and the Hardy Shield Open Boys Rugby League teams who were selected to play but unfortunately did not have the opportunity to participate in the competition during Term 1.


There are many students in the College who are eligible to receive a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Blue award for their sporting participation, achievements and dedication over their years at the College. Please take the time to read the criteria to see if you are eligible and complete an application/nomination form. Please see Mrs Kjaer if you have any questions about the Sporting College Colours.

Term Two Representative Sports and Activities  

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, no scheduled sporting events will take place in Term 2 except for the College Cross Country which we plan to run on Friday June 26. This has the capacity to change, and if it does, we will ensure that students, coaches and teams are informed and given adequate time to organise themselves for their upcoming competitions. The safety of our players and coaches will always come first and while it is disappointing for our athletes to be sitting on the sidelines, we will continue to ensure that their safety and wellbeing is the first priority.

Sporting alternatives during social isolation

There are many opportunities to move our bodies and get the exercise we need to stay healthy and strong during social isolation. Stage 4 and 5 PDHPE classes have been given alternative practical taskings that they can do at home. All that is required is a little motivation and creativity. It has been wonderful seeing the videos submitted of students in my Year 7 and Year 8 PDHPE classes demonstrating physical skills in their backyards with a selection of different materials to show their physical motor skills eg: One student chased his chickens to develop his speed, coordination and agility! 


During the holidays, my 4 year old son Flynn and I created several obstacle courses at home with some random things from our shed and backyard. We used things like the trampoline, swings, hose, bikes, shovels and rakes to make up a course and then we raced each other. Then it evolved into a time trial to see if our individual times improved. It allowed us to exercise, use our brains and enjoy being outside in the fresh air as a family all at the same time. I would highly encourage you to make up your own obstacle course with family members who are stuck with you at home.


If making your own obstacle course is not to your liking, then why not join Miss Mattingly’s Strava Club. Students can join a Strava club for their house group and earn house points for every kilometre that they run, walk or ride each week. Ask your Homeroom teacher if you are unsure how to join your House Club.


If you are like me and are a member of the local gym Club Lime, they have offered two months free subscription to Les Mills on Demand. This website gives you access to hundreds of online workouts.   


There are many ideas online for physical activities that cater for any age, fitness level, and fitness interest. Yoga, pilates, dancing, balance, circuits, body weight exercises all come to mind but there are many more things that students can access online.


Physical activity does not need to be complex or done with team members, simply taking your dog for a walk is an excellent form of physical activity that has so many benefits for your overall health and your dog will love you for it too! So please use this time to remain active but just in a different way. Life will return back to normal and before you know it, you will be back on the sporting field. Enjoy the opportunity to mix things up a bit.









Kym Kjaer | Head of Representative Sport