Dates and Events 


Term Two, last day Friday 28th June 

Term Three 

Term three will begin on Tuesday 16th June.

There is no kindergarten session Monday 15th July. 

The school and kindergarten will be closed to all staff and public over the term break while asbestos is removed from some parts of the school building. For this reason, staff will not be able to set up the kindergarten, nor will the kindergarten be cleaned during the break. Therefore, cleaning and room set up will need to take place before we can begin sessions. Staff will need the first day of term three to set up the room, as well as the new kindergarten room, which will be operational then. 

Please note that there will be no access to the school grounds or kindergarten over the term break. For safety reasons the whole site will be closed for asbestos removal from some parts of the school


Family Teacher Conferences 

Meetings with your child's teacher to discuss their progress and to set ongoing goals will be held early in term three. 

Meetings are for 10 minutes, and during that time we talk about where your child is now, goals for ongoing learning, and ways you can continue to support your child's learning at home. 

Times and dates will be available for you to register in the first week of term three. Please look out for the sign up sheets next to the daily attendance sign in. 

We run the meetings over a few days/weeks during teacher planning time. If you are unable to make the times on offer, please speak with your child's teacher individually to see if alternative times are available. Please note that teachers may not be able to meet on some days/times due to their own  commitments. 


Drama Tool Box Incursion 

Wednesday 21st August - Green and Purple Groups

Thursday 22nd August - Orange Group 


Pet Education Incursion

Thursday 5th September - Purple and Orange Groups 


Art through STEM evening exhibition 

Thursday 12th September 


Term Three Ends Friday 20th September 


Term Four begins Monday 7th October