Important changes for term 1
In response to feedback from our 2019 Parent Communication Survey, we have reviewed ways that you can exchange information with your child’s teacher and connect more broadly with the CHPS community. Find below a summary of events this term.
Teacher Meet and Greet (Grades 1-6)
Thursday 13 February: 3.30-4.00pm
We are pleased to offer an informal opportunity to visit your child’s classroom with your child and say hi to their teacher. The aim of this is to simply orient you to your child’s new classroom and teacher. No formal presentation will be given during this session, so feel free to pop in for 5 minutes during the open time.
Prep Parent Information Presentation (Prep parents only)
Thursday 13 February: 4.00-4.30pm
Prep teachers will be holding a more formal presentation to assist in family orientation to the school and the prep learning program. Presentations will be held in your child’s classroom.
Community Welcome Picnic
Thursday 13 February: 5.00-7.00pm
Following the Meet and Greet/Prep Parent information Presentation, head across to the Darling Gardens for our annual Welcome Community Picnic. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other members of the school community. Please bring your own picnic.
Parent Teacher Information Day
Wednesday 4th March: Student free day
We are introducing an additional parent teacher interview session to offer you the opportunity to meet formally with your child’s teacher and share information about your child. A handover day was provided at the end of 2019 where relevant information was handed onto all 2020 teachers (eg access to specialist reports, academic achievement and relevant social and emotional aspects relating to students in the new class). However, we appreciate that it is also useful to have an opportunity to raise any concerns you have and share your own social and academic goals for your child this year.
This will not be a reporting session, as teachers will still be getting to know your child. We ask that you do not book meetings with teachers prior to this date unless it is in regard to an urgent matter.
Wednesday 4th March will be a student free day. Bookings are now available through Compass, with interview times running for 15 minutes from 10.00am-6.00pm. Specialist teachers will also be available for bookings on this day.
Parent Information Night
We have traditionally held a Parent Information Night in the second week of school. This is no longer being held, with relevant curriculum, camp and excursion information being distributed by grade level teams each term (Term Newsletter) via Compass.
We hope that these changes will more closely align with the needs of our community. We thank all the participants of the 2019 Parent Communication Survey.