Students of the week

Term 2 - Week 4


William A (FA) -  You are an amazing learner and friend William. You listen beautifully and always try your best. You are also super thoughtful and kind and that is why we all love having you in Foundation A. What an amazing role model you are. Keep up the awesome work!!

Sebastian M (FB) - For starting the term with such a happy and positive attitude. You greet your friends and teacher with a huge smile and a bubbly “hello” every morning! It has been lovely to see you developing new friendships and watch your confidence grow each day! Thank you for being you!

Lea C (FC) - You are a star that shines very brightly in Foundation C! You are a role model to your classmates and are always respectful, kind and friendly. We are very lucky to have someone like you!

Harry K (12A) - For being a respectful role model to others in the class and always producing quality work when learning

Esmae M (12B) - Esmae consitently shows the values of learning, respect and safety. Esma

Grace S (12C) - Well done Grace for demonstrating the value of learning. You are making excellent progress with your reading, showing greater confidence in your own abilities and less reliance on the help of others.

Neve R (12D) - For showing such tremendous growth in her reading so far this year and being a reliable friend to all. You work hard in class and strive to always do your best. Thank you for being a kind, caring friend to all of 1/2D. We love having you in our class!

Liam W (12E) - Liam has really stepped up as a responsible Grade 2 role model this term. He is always displaying positive classroom behaviours and encourages other to do the same. Liam has shown that he takes on feedback to improve in his learning and is proud of the work that he produces. Keep up the fantastic work Liam!

Savannah Daley (12E) - Savannah has shown that she is a great learner. She enthusiastically engages with her learning tasks and has worked hard to improve her focus to produce her best work. Savannah works well in collaborative tasks and supports others around her. Great work Savannah!

Mariah-R (34A) - You have had an amazing start to Term 2, coming to school every day with a smile on your face!!! It has been a delight to see you enjoying your learning and making new friends!1 Keep it up legend!

Xavier D (34B) -    For his attention during science investigations and sharing his growing understandings in an inclusive manner. Well done, Xavier!

Lola W (34C) - Lola has been working really hard on her persuasive writing this week! She always tries her best and continues to listen to feedback to improve her work. Keep up the good work, Lola!

Austin M (34C) - Austin has shown great enthusiasm towards his learning this week! He has been doing some amazing reading and has enjoyed writing his own stories about doorway dimensions. Keep up the great work, Austin!

Ben T (34D) - Ben is a brilliant learner and has constantly challenged himself to improve in all areas of his learning. He showed  great enthusiasm when completing his homework tasks and even posted his creative persuasive piece on Edmodo for his peers. Amazing work Ben!

Wendy D  (56A) - Wendy has shown great determination and persistence with her learning and we have all really noticed how hard you are focusing in class. You are also really great at paying people compliments Wendy. Thank you for being you!

Gaby L (56B) - Gaby has demonstrated the value of friendship. She is such a great friend and support to all of the members of our Grade 5/6 team. You have a great heart and are kind to all. Keep it up.