Science - Biological Science


🎓  Course TypeCompulsory
🧩  Units2
🗓  TimingUnit 1 in Year 9, Unit 2 in Year 10
⏱  Hours per week3
✏️  Selection

Year 9: Biological Science must be selected for one semester.

Year 10: Biological Science must be selected for one semester (unless studying Modified Science).

🧭  Future PathwaysSuccessful completion of Year 10 Physical and Biological Sciences leads into all TCE and IB science subjects.

In Years 9 and 10, in line with the Australian Curriculum, the study of Science at The Friends’ School is compulsory. The goals of science education are:

  • To encourage wonder, exploration and engagement with the wider world
  • To develop skills in evidence-based reasoning and critical thinking
  • To encourage intellectual curiosity through practical investigations and student guided inquiry
  • To develop scientific literacy skills, in order to:
    • explain phenomena scientifically
    • evaluate and design scientific enquiry
    • interpret data and evidence scientifically.

All units are studied as three interrelated and integrated strands: Science Understanding, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills.  


The topics cover the following sub-strands of Science:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Earth and Space Sciences.

In Year 9 students study two semesters of Physical Science and one semester of Biological Science. 


In Year 10 students study two semesters of Physical Science (Core or Analytical) and one semester of Biological Science. Students who have difficulty accessing the mainstream curriculum can enrol in Modified Science for two semesters.


All science courses offered in Years 9 and 10 equip students to undertake further science studies at Clemes, whether they are following a TCE or an IB pathway.


Biological Science 1 and Biological Science 2 are single semester units. Biological Science 1 must be studied by all students in Year 9. Biological Science 2 must be studied by all students in Year 10, apart from students enrolled in Modified Science. Placement in a particular semester for a given year may depend upon other timetabling considerations. Students enrolled in Modified Science do not need to study  Biological Science in Year 10, as the concepts covered are incorporated into the Modified Science programme.


Biological Science 1:

  • The coordination of systems in living organisms, including the gas exchange, immune, nervous and endocrine systems
  • Ecosystems
  • Size and shape of organisms

Biological Science 2: 

  • DNA
  • Genetics and evolution
  • Global systems, including the carbon cycle
  • Cell structure.

All units will have a substantial practical component covering experimental design, laboratory process and recognition and treatment of errors. The curriculum emphasises inquiry-based teaching and learning, with a strong focus on science inquiry skills of questioning and predicting; planning and conducting experiments; processing and analysing data and information; evaluating and communicating. 


These two courses provide a strong foundation for the study of Biology and Environmental Science in either TCE or IB.