

🎓  Course TypeCompulsory - Pathway options available
🧩  Units4
🗓  TimingUnits 1 & 2 in Year 9, Units 3 & 4 in Year 10
⏱  Hours per week3
✏️  Selection

Year 9: Selection to be made between Mathematics (majority of students), and Modified Mathematics (only where advised).


Year 10: Selection to be made between 3 pathway options for students' compulsory mathematics course:

- Mathematics (also referred to as 'Core Mathematics') - an Australian Curriculum standard course;

- General Mathematics - an Australian Curriculum standard course;

- Modified Mathematics (only where advised).

🧭  Future PathwaysGeneral Maths Level 3, Mathematical Methods Level 3, IBDP (AI)

The Mathematics Curriculum for Years 9 and 10 is developed with the intention of helping students to continue to build on their ability to analyse problems and devise strategies to find solutions.  This ability, together with an aptitude for logical expression is essential if students are to have the confidence to thrive in this technological world. The syllabuses foster Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning across a broad range of concept areas: Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; and Statistics and Probability. Technology is used extensively with particular emphasis placed on spreadsheets, data processing and graphics applications. Our approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics is based on two premises: 

  • Firstly, that no real progress is possible without understanding. Practice exercises remain an important part of all Mathematics courses as a means of consolidating mathematical structures and processes.  This is a ‘building block’ component of, and not a substitute for, understanding the purpose, meaning and application of the mathematical knowledge learned.  Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to problems of varying complexity.  These are presented in a variety of ways to encourage reasoning skills and a true understanding of the concepts involved.
  • Secondly, all progress is success. Every student should follow a course suited to their current abilities and development, so that learning can be recognised.  Mathematics is best learned in a rich environment in which a range of learning experiences can be explored, and a sense of continued curiosity can be fostered. Mathematics has made a major contribution to our culture, and should be studied for its own sake. Many aspects of Mathematics without obvious applications, can be enjoyed for the challenge, while stimulating interest and offering valuable insights into the world around us, man-made and natural. In part, the purpose of these courses is to give students awareness of how Mathematics is applied. In particular, students become more aware of the advantages that future studies in Mathematics and related fields can provide. 

Two main courses operate in Years 9 and 10: Mathematics, intended for the majority of students; and Modified Mathematics.  There is also a Maths Extended elective option in both Year 9 and 10 which is discussed below.


Choosing Electives

It is important at the start of Year 9 to consider a mathematics pathway through to Year 12. This should include careful consideration of electives, as decisions made in Year 9 can limit options in Years 11 and 12 for the more challenging Mathematics subjects.


The Mathematics and Elective Mathematics courses taught in Years 9 and 10 equip students equally well for TCE or IB studies. Students who enrol for the IB Diploma in Years 11 and 12 are required to study a Mathematics subject. Intending IB students with their sights set on Analysis and Approaches Standard Level or Analysis and Approaches Higher Level should select Mathematics Extended as elective subjects in Years 9 and 10. Applications and Interpretations Standard Level should be accessible to students who do not go beyond the mainstream Mathematics syllabuses in the High School but perform strongly.


For the TCE, students intending to take Mathematics Methods 415 in Year 11 should also select Mathematics Extended in Year 9 and Year 10.


Year 9 - Mathematics

Every student in Year 9 must study Mathematics. Successful completion of this course and the Year 10 course will enable students to follow an appropriate pre-tertiary course in Years 11 and 12. The Year 9 program is based on the Australian Curriculum and is supplemented with some additional content to provide students with the best possible knowledge base for their mathematics pathway.  

Where satisfactory progress is not maintained in Mathematics, students may be advised to transfer to Modified Mathematics. This advice is not given unless we are convinced that it would be the most appropriate action to take, and students and parents need to consider the option very seriously.

Year 10 - Mathematics, General Mathematics

All students in Year 10 study Mathematics courses based on the Australian Curriculum. For the great majority of students, this will be either core Mathematics or General Mathematics. However, students should take the course best suited to their current abilities and development, with some students taking the less challenging Modified Mathematics course. 


In all cases, the goal is to provide students with an appropriate program that allows them to develop the skills in mathematics required to follow their chosen pathway through corresponding courses in Years 11 and 12. 


These Year 11 and 12 courses are: 

  • Essential Mathematics - Personal - Level 2, which focuses on using Mathematics to make sense of the world
  • General Mathematics Level 2 and Mathematics Methods Foundation Level 3, designed as bridging courses in Year 11 to prepare students where necessary for General Mathematics Level 3 or Mathematics Methods Level 4 respectively in Year 12
  • General Mathematics Level 3, which is designed for students who wish to undertake further studies where mathematics knowledge facilitates problem solving and decision making
  • Mathematics Methods Level 4, which is designed for students with an interest in Mathematics and whose future pathways may involve pure mathematical studies at university
  • Mathematics Specialised Level 4, which is higher level mathematics designed to be taken in Year 12 after completing Mathematics Methods Level 4 in Year 11.

General Mathematics Level 3, Mathematics Methods Foundation Level 3, Mathematics Methods Level 4 and Mathematics Specialised Level 4 are pre-tertiary subjects designed for university entry requirements. 


Core Mathematics is the course undertaken by all students who choose the Mathematics Extended elective. This prepares the students for the rigours of Mathematics Extended as the year progresses.  Core Mathematics can also be selected as a standalone Maths course in Year 10.  This course is a more rigorous Year 10 Australian Curriculum course and is recommended for the IB Diploma (more details about the IB Diploma courses are provided below).  Students choosing this course who intend to take the TCE pathway will most commonly go onto studying either Mathematics Methods Foundation Level 3 or General Mathematics Level 3 in Year 11.


General Mathematics is also an Australian Curriculum course but is not as rigorous as Core Mathematics.  This course aims to better prepare students who choose to follow  the pathway of either General Mathematics Level 3, General Mathematics Level 2 or Essential Mathematics - Personal Level 2, however students will also be equipped with the necessary skills should they choose to study the Mathematics Methods Foundation Level 3 course.


Students who study Mathematics Extended in Year 10 would expect to follow a pathway into pre-tertiary Mathematics Methods Level 3 or Level 4, but do also have the option of General Mathematics Level 3. Those who do well in Mathematics Extended normally access Mathematics Methods Level 4 in the TCE in Year 11. They then have the opportunity to study Mathematics Specialised Level 4 in Year 12. Those students who are not as successful in Year 10 Mathematics Extended would usually study pre-tertiary Mathematics Methods Foundation Level 3 or pre-tertiary General Mathematics Level 3 in Year 11. 


For students intending to take the IB Diploma, Year 10 core Mathematics is recommended to better prepare students for IB Applications and Interpretation Standard Level. Mathematics Extended in Years 9 and 10 is highly desirable for anyone wishing to take IB Analysis and Approaches Standard Level and essential as preparation for IB Analysis and Approaches Higher Level.


Further details of courses in Year 11 and 12 can be found in the Year 11-12 Course Book. Current Mathematics teachers are best placed to advise individual students, or contact the Head of Mathematics if you would like to further discuss needs, aspirations and options.

Year 9 & 10 Modified Mathematics

These courses aim to foster the consolidation and growth of mathematical skills and knowledge, and to emphasise the ways in which mathematics is used in real life situations. Success in this course enables students to progress to appropriate pathways of study, including Essential Mathematics - Personal Level 2 or General Mathematics Level 2 in Year 11, with the aim of studying General Mathematics Level 3 in Year 12.


Some students are counselled at the end of Year 8 to take this subject. Others who find the General Mathematics course difficult may be advised to transfer to Modified Mathematics. In the situation where a student demonstrates substantial progress they may transfer from Modified Mathematics to General Mathematics.

Mathematics Electives

Please see the descriptions of these subjects on the following pages:

Mathematics Extended 9 & 10