Sustainability and Garden Club News
The SACC Sustainability Team have eagerly been researching and planning in preparation for the construction of some birdhouses for the native birds in our local area. The team are drawing up their designs and will be building them in the coming weeks.
The garden club have continued to care for the veggie patch, weeding, planting more seeds to get a consistent crop of veggies and enjoying the produce.
Maria Wheelton
Sustainability Coordinator
Focus On The Family Night with Brett & Kate Ryan
We were blessed to share parenting wisdom with Brett and Kate Ryan from Focus On The Family, as they visited our school community.
They were given the (massive!) task of speaking to us about Relationship, Resilience, Communication, Discipline and Boundaries as we seek God’s help to “train up our children in the way they should go”.
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Brett encouraged us to “respond rather than react” when speaking with our children, whilst Kate challenged us to be consistent with our expectations.
Personally, I was reminded about the importance of “making the family home a haven” where every family member feels loved, welcomed and valued.
You can find Focus On The Family resources here.
Brett and Kate offered to answer any additional questions via their email:
Sonia Sires
Primary Wellbeing Coordinator and Prep S Teacher
SACC Netball Club
St Andrews Netball Club is in the full swing of the Winter netball season at Knox Regional Netball Centre and we are enjoying a great season full of fun and teamwork!
Lauren Gaschk
St Andrews Netball Club President
SACC Netball Macaron Fundraiser
Our Macaron Fundraiser was a great success and we made a profit of $630!
Thank you to everyone that made a purchase purchased and invested into the club.
This helps to further develop our club, and provide much needed funds to keep our players fees low and assist in paying our netball coaches.
Lauren Gaschk
St Andrews Netball Club President
Calling All Netball Parents!
We want to keep moving our club forward in a positive direction and rely on the investment of netball parents to keep us sustainable. If you would like to join the St Andrews Netball Board, please contact Lauren at to express your interest.
Lauren Gaschk
St Andrews Netball Club President