Trivia Night

A Great Night!
Local op-shops and the Bunnings raincoat section have Fairfield Primary School to thank for their recent boom in trade leading up to the annual Trivia Night extraordinaire. ‘Musicals’ was the theme and who knew that there were that many pairs of lederhosen hidden away in wardrobes just waiting for an occasion such as this.
The Thornbury Theatre provided a magnificent backdrop for a night filled with music, dancing, laughter – and the occasional trivia question thrown in. The result of the election came second place to who would take the title of trivia champions for 2022.
A huge thank you must go to Warren Staples who once again took on the role of quiz master. It is no easy feat commanding the attention of 250 excited parents who have been locked down more often than not since last year’s quiz, but Waz took it in his stride. He was assisted by Michael Pascoe whose sound and lighting expertise make it the most professional school trivia night in Melbourne.
It was easy to see that a significant amount of time and effort had gone into the audio-visual productions. The incredible musical talent, as well as a commitment to dress-ups, were on display from the one and only parent band, Double Denim. We are incredibly lucky to have such wonderful musicians and entertainers in our midst. The song substitution by Erin and Stephen from some questionable texts will be remembered for a long time to come! We must also thank DJ Chris Fri-Yay who ably brought the evening to a close. Chris also found himself on the winning table for the second year in a row… so save a seat for him next year!
A fantastic fund raising evening such as this one is not possible without the generous donations from a multitude of local businesses. Thank you to Maree Porra, Mark Sandiford, Ian ten Seldam, Michelle Schwensen and Megan Fairbank for sourcing these wonderful auction items and prizes. An event such as this requires an army of hard workers to bring it together. Megan Fairbank once again took the helm and made this year’s event even bigger and better than last year. We also need to thank the scorers, Tamlin Staples, Corrin McNamara, Amy Osborne, Tony Stokes and Gub Staugaityte, who gave up their chance at trivia glory to ensure everyone else had a good time. A big thank you also to Amy Osborne, Amber and Craig Mahony, Monika and Craig Nitschke, Paula and Brandon Stafford, Tamara Powell, Mikey Johnson, Paul Fairbank, Ange Gregori and Sarah Moody who put their expertise and resources towards planning all the various aspects of the evening.
It was wonderful to see that the school spirit is alive and well in 2022.