School's Maths Challenge

Brett McGinniskin & Elicia Briggs

Greenvale Primary School's Maths Challenge

Dear parents and students,

This week we are launching the Greenvale Primary School Maths Challenge.


In each edition of our newsletter there will be a different maths challenge for children to try at home with their families. There will be challenges for students in Foundation, Years 1 and 2, 3 and 4 and 5 and 6.


Children can then bring their solutions to school and put them in the Maths Challenge Box which they can find outside Mr Mac’s and Mrs Brigg’s office in the BER. 


Each fortnight the winners from each year level will be announced at assembly and the previous winners will be acknowledged in the following edition of the newsletter.


Please encourage your child to work on and submit a response to the problems ensuring that their name and grade are clearly displayed on their work.



The Greenvale café sells three different flavour milkshakes: strawberry, chocolate and banana. 


If a family buy a total of 10 milkshakes, how many of each flavour might they purchase?


Years 1 and 2

Alien Maths

How many aliens can you see?

How many eyes do the aliens have?

How many antennae can you see?

Design your own alien with 3 eyes, and 4 antennae. 


Years 3 and 4

You have a set of digits from 0-9.

Can you arrange these digits to make two-digit numbers as close to the targets as possible? You may use each digit only once.

  • Can you make the largest even number?
  • Can you make the largest odd number?
  • Can you make the smallest even number?
  • Can you make the smallest odd number?
  • Largest multiple of 5?
  • Number closest to 1000?


Year 5 and 6


Three friends, Mr Warden, Mr Carrol and Mrs Mirenda meet before school. They each shake hands with each other.

How many handshakes are made?

How many handshakes will be made between 4 friends, or 5 friends?

What if 10 friends meet. How many handshakes?

Have you identified a pattern to help solve this problem?