School News 

2023 Reception Intake

The school is about to commence planning for the Reception intake next year. If your child is due to start Reception in 2023 and you have not already lodged a Registration of Interest form, please make contact with the Front Office at your earliest convenience. Registrations close Friday 8th July 2022. If you have any queries, please email:


Year 7 High School - Registration of Interest

A reminder to all Year 6 families Registration of Interest forms must be submitted by end of day Friday 27th May 2022.

(Please refer to the email sent on 4th May, 2022)


Looking After Our Library Resources

Every student in the school has the opportunity to borrow books from our well-stocked Resource Centre but unfortunately, the number of overdue books, damaged books and missing books is rising.  This term alone we have had over 400 overdue books a week, plus many damaged and missing books. 


Considerable time is spent following up overdue books with students, teachers and families in looking for the books in the library and classroom if they cannot be found at home.   


Books cost a lot of money to replace, not just in the actual replacement of the book, but in the time spent in ordering and processing each book. Money and time spent replacing lost/damaged books mean that we have less money and time available to expand our collection.   


Notifications of overdue books are regularly sent to families via email and teachers are also made aware and will follow up via the class app where necessary.  Your assistance with helping your child look after their books at home and return them on time is appreciated.  

Correct School Uniform

With the colder weather upon us, now is a good time to purchase the appropriate green pants or stockings from the uniform shop. Black leggings are not part of the uniform. 


Students are required to wear the correct uniform. You can visit:  


All Magill uniform items are available from the UMS Glynde store and online.

UMS offers free delivery of purchases to Magill School. 


Our front office also has tights available to purchase. 



Remember, we are a SunSmart school so hats must be worn for all outdoor activities and play. Please ensure your child's name is on their hat.




Playgroup at Magill