Student Learning 

Learning About Information Reports in P10 

In P10 this term we have been learning about the structure of an information report through the text The Night Dragon. We did text maps, reconstructed the text under headings and put labels onto diagrams about the Night Dragon. We also read the book “Who Wants A Dragon?” by James Mayhew and Lindsay Gardiner. Then we designed and built our own dragon traps to catch one for STEM. We also wrote poems about our own dragons using adjectives. P10 has had a lot of fun doing these activities!

We are learning Chinese 中文真棒! 


“What are you wearing today?” 

“I’m wearing xiaofu”. 

F2 - Learning about the roles within our government

Last term, the Year 5s looked at the way our country is run, and the roles within our government at a local, state, and federal level. Australia is a representative democracy, which means a government run by 'the people'. We can voice our opinions, have our say, and vote for our leaders. We used a similar process when electing our student action team reps.


We also looked at our system vs different systems of government, such as dictatorship and monarchy. We presented our information on an educational poster. We had to create works of art that expressed the main themes of those 3 systems of government. Underneath those works of art they are each connected by Velcro straps, with the information we researched. It attempts to explain each system of government, including the advantages and disadvantages of each.


To see the election in action, make sure you check out the Term 2 episode of Inside Magill when it comes out in Week 10 for an in-depth look at the process!