Message from
Nurse Janice
Message from
Nurse Janice
Year 7 Immunisations will be conducted on Thursday 6th October. This will be the HPV second dose.
A reminder that the School Doctor, Dr Jo Dennis is here each Tuesday. Appointments can be made directly with Janice or via the Front Office. This facility is available to all students in the College but please note that Primary aged students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Don’t Take The Risk This Season – Get The Flu Vaccine.
The influenza vaccine is recommended for people aged 6 months and over and provided free to those most at risk from influenza and its complications.
Students in the following groups are eligible to receive a free seasonal influenza vaccine:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Students with medical conditions putting them at increased risk of severe influenza and its complications:
If your student is eligible, the flu shot can be arranged with the School Doctor who can now also see Primary students (together with their parent/Carer)
Contact the School Office to arrange an appointment.
I will have news soon as to when the Dental Van will return to the school to complete appointments.
Janice Deocampo
School Nurse