Other College News 

Reconciliation Week

Annual Bridge Walk

It was great to see our O'Connor community represented so strongly by our student leaders for the ANTAR Annual Bridge Walk. The walk commermorates the first Bridge Walk for reconciliation which took place on Sydney Harbour Bridge on 28 May 2000, where over 250 000 Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians participated. It was a day for healing and celebration. It was also the biggest political demonstration the country had ever seen.

Activities at O'Connor

During Week 6 the O'Connor Community celebrated National Reconciliation Week. The week was acknowledged with a range of activities and events. This began with a number of the School Leaders attending the annual Reconciliation Bridge Walk on Sunday. The students proudly led the walk and were a credit to the school looking fantastic in full uniform. Student Briefing on the Monday following was a reminder that we all have a role in the reconciliation movement. Faith and Service Captain Angus Scrivener did a beautiful Acknowledgement of Country including some Anaiwan language, with Aboriginal Year 12 student Zac Walters leading the school in prayer. Year 11 Aboriginal student Amelia Roberts then explained what the week was about, touching on some of the history of Reconciliation in Australia. As the week progressed students were exposed to lessons around Reconciliation during PAC time and a number of classes had lessons with an ATSI Perspective focus. All in all, the week was a great week of reflection, learning, acknowledging and moving forwards together towards a more equitable, happy future.