Principal's Report

Mrs Clare Healy

This week we celebrated Ascension Sunday with the first reading coming from the Acts of the Apostles. The disciples see Jesus ascend into heaven, and they stand there, staring at the sky. Angels call them forward; stop gazing heavenward and move forward. There is work to be done. 


How often are we like the disciples gazing at the 'past'. We may have fond memories of a holiday, person or event. Fond memories are good to have and remind us of good times. It is when we spend too much time in the past that we can forget to live in the present. Life does not stop until we are ready and time only goes one way - forward. 


This week we are reminded that there is work to be done, new challenges to face and people in our community to help. The Vinnies Winter Appeal is a time to remember that we are all called to serve others. This service is how we put our faith into action. One of the misconceptions we have is that we believe our individual actions need to be grand. This can be disheartening and lead us to inaction. Our community however is made up of students, families, staff and the Parish. We are part of a much larger community and therefore when we work together we are able to make a big difference. Thank you to everyone of our community who has made such a big difference to those in need. 


Saint Mother Teresa reminds us that while we can each be a drop of water from which God's Love can flow. When we come together as a Catholic community, like a river, our ability to change the world is amplified. The challenge for all of us at O'Connor Catholic College is to stop looking at the sky. We have 'work' to do if we are to create the future our community deserves.  



God Bless,

Clare Healy
