Rugby 7s

Rugby 7s is up and running, and the girls are enthusiastic and ready to play.
Over the last two weeks our U13, U15 and U18 teams played some friendly games against Mt Maria, with the U13s having their first ever taste of Rugby 7s and proving that they will be more than ready for the upcoming tournaments.
To help showcase our rugby talent, we have organised a Gala Afternoon on 28 August with three other local schools. This will help to prepare the teams for their first tournament at Warwick on 5 September, where we will defend our U14 championship title.
CaSSSA is involved in rugby this year and will hold a Rugby 7s Gala Day early in October to help build the profile of women’s rugby in a safe and fun learning environment. This will lead into our final tournament for the year - the Student Horizons All Schools Rugby 7s tournament - which is held over three days in October.
Rugby really is more than just the game - we see this with how the girls grow as people and players, and the bonds they create with their team mates over the season. Best of luck to all teams; we look forward to watching some great rugby.
Shan Caruana, Sports Office
Lana Joseph, Rugby 7s Captain