Old Collegians Association

Please let us have your news so that we can let others know what is happening among past students

Don McCausland



Congratulations to Malcolm Ferguson who turned 94 years of age on Thursday 30th July. Mal is one of only three remaining past students from 1942-1943. To get to Denmark from Mukinbudin, Mal had to travel for 48 hours by train – with several connecting trains. Just imagine that!


A reminder that we are having a formal opening of the gazebo in the ground of the original school (now TAFE campus) on Saturday 19 September at 2pm. All past staff and agricultural and town students from DSA, DAJHS, DADHS, DDHS and Denmark Agricultural College to the year 2000 as well as descendants of deceased staff/students are invited to attend. A great opportunity to get together and reminisce about 59 years of history and tradition of education in Denmark. As we will be having afternoon tea, could you please register your intention to attend by email to hisylvi@bigpond.com or phone Wendy Sutton (9848 3165) or Don McCausland (0428 526 398) by 5 September




There’s still time to have your name added to the gazebo before the opening– but be quick.  Contact me directly or complete and return  the order form using the link below  https://www.denmarkag.wa.edu.au/students/old-collegians/  


Cheers for now

Don McCausland
