Student services

See information and contact details below for School Nurse, School Psychologist, Outreach Service AYSA and Dental Van news.

Dental Therapy Mobile News

Dental Therapy Mobile provides free dental examinations, oral care advice, preventative, restorative and emergency treatment for children from pre-primary to Year 11. The clinic is staffed by Michelle (Dental Therapist), Wajid (Dental Therapist), Lorna (Dental Assistant) and Kayleen (Dental Assistant)

The Dental Therapy Mobile will be located at Denmark Primary School as of Monday 10th of August until further notice. We will be open from 8.45 am until 3.15pm. Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to attend the clinic, especially for the first appointment where we need to discuss dental treatment plan for your child. 

Enrolment forms will soon be issued to your child if he/she has recently changed schools or enrolled in Pre-Primary, please make sure these forms are returned ASAP if you wish to use our service. 

Parents are reminded to contact the Mobile to update your details if they have moved in recent years. Failing to update details will mean your child will miss out. If you no longer intend to use our service please let us know as soon as possible. You can call us on 0437 486 143, drop in or send us an email to

If you are a High Schooler who is new to the area and wish to use our Dental Service please contact us on 0437 486 143.

To keep your child’s teeth healthy during this important stage of growth we recommend brushing twice daily using adult strength toothpaste providing children are spitting it out. Teeth should be brushed for a minimum of two minutes and children are encouraged NOT to rinse after brushing.

We hope to see you all in here soon.

From the Mobile Dental Staff


School Psychologist 

My name is Brigid Bolton and I am the School Psychologist at the WA College of Agriculture-Denmark. I work here on a Tuesday and alternate Thursdays (odd weeks) and the rest of the week I work at other schools in the Southwest region.   

The School Psychology Service is a service designed to support students, parents, teachers and school administrators in a wide range of areas. This extends from mental health issues to behaviour support, learning difficulties and disability, and social and emotional wellbeing.   


Here at the College, I support young people to manage problems relating to behaviour, friendships and relationships, learning and feelings of stress, worry, anger or sadness and other problems that impact them at school. I also work with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to help young people. 

I look forward to meeting you so please feel free to drop in and say hi or you can make an appointment through the front office, or admin.



A note from the School Health Nurse 

My name is Paula Stretton and I am the School Health Nurse (based at or who visits) your school.  At the moment I am visiting the school on Monday and Tuesday mornings and all other times by appointments.


School health services are an easy way for secondary students to access health care and health information for issues including; 

  • mental health and wellbeing
  • healthy lifestyle – nutrition and physical activity
  • development and growth
  • relationships and sexual health
  • alcohol and other drugs and
  • immunisation

School Health Nurses are skilled in assessing adolescent health needs.  We engage in health counselling with young people to identify issues, risks and protective factors, provide advice and brief intervention, assist with access and referral to other services, and provide follow up care. Young people can drop in to the health centre or make appointments to discuss health and wellbeing issues.


Young people are always encouraged and supported to talk to their parents or guardians about significant health issues. 


The services provided are free and confidential.

 If you have a concern about your child’s health or wellbeing please contact me 0427 922 663 or email: 



Denmark Youth Outreach Worker - Andrew Talmage

Denmark Youth Outreach (DYO) is a free, outreach support service for young people 12 to 18 years of age, operating three days per week.  The service is accessible for young people and their families who reside within the Shire of Denmark. The service provides early intervention and support to young people to prevent and address crisis, those experiencing a difficult transition through adolescence and needing additional support. Young people can be assisted with mentoring, relationships and information to assist in managing their health and wellbeing. DYO provides advocacy, referrals and support to access specialist services, including AYSA homelessness services. 

This service is a case management, client centred and trauma informed approach which has the ability to complement existing supports being provided to a young person. Referrals to DYO are accepted through DSHS via the Student Services Coordinator or directly from individuals/families, partner agencies, health related services and youth related organisations.   Andrew will be working three days per week in Denmark and can be contacted via email, or on mobile  0419 247 161.