Remote Learning

Updated Plan for Learning from Home

Remote Learning Plan 2.0

With the Premier's most recent announcement around stage four restrictions, the staff at Coburg High School acknowledge the challenges many students and families are currently experiencing whilst learning remotely at home. With all students from Year 7 to Year 12 learning at home for the remainder of Term Three, we are publishing the most recent version of our Remote Learning Plan. Additions have been made to this version after feedback and consultation from staff, students and families. 


Adjustments have been made to Term Three timelines for students in 7 - 10 to ensure lessons continue to be engaging and meaningful and to ensure the curriculum covered continues to build skills and knowledge whilst allowing students to work more flexibly. Ample opportunities have been included to allow students to complete set learning tasks at their own pace. Students should allocate learning time accordingly throughout their scheduled classes and follow the weekly learning schedule as directed by their classroom teacher. It is important students are logging on to Google Classroom each morning where explicit instructions will be provided. 


Please refer to Compass for individual student timetables. These can be located under School Documentation.


Advice for VCE students can be found in the Remote Learning Plan and on the VCE Support Google Classroom.


Teachers at Coburg High School once again appreciate your support for students learning at home. As a staff, we are committed to support the learning of students during this uncertain time and we will remain responsive, dedicated and flexible to the learning and wellbeing needs of all of our students.