Middle School - Year 7 to 9

'We can do this': Return to remote learning


Congratulations to all middle school students on their successful return to remote learning. 


While I know that many of our students would prefer to be physically at school, they have returned to remote learning without a complaint knowing that it is what we must do to stay safe. 


I am proud of the resilience our students are demonstrating through their adaptability and dedication to their learning. 


I encourage all of our students to keep their communication channels open during this time; speak with your teachers if you are unsure or needing assistance, speak with your parents about how you are coping with remote learning and isolation and seek additional support from our Wellbeing Team if needed .


Remember that we have been here before. We have done this before. We can do this. We will do this. And we are in this together. 


Mrs Spiteri

Middle School Leader
















Kitchen chemistry

When is a burger not a burger? When it's in a Year 7 Molecular Gastronomy class! 


At the end of last term, our DSC kitchens saw science and cooking collide as students created playful dishes that tricked the senses. Meat patties made of chocolate biscuits, watermelon made of jelly and carrots made of muffins were just some of the amazing creations. 


Using techniques such as aeration, emulsification and gelatinisation, students did a fantastic job to reimagine dishes, impressing teachers and classmates with their culinary art.


Well done to students on their incredible creations!






Year 8 Rube Goldberg:

STEAM Project 


8A students did a fantastic job during remote learning in Term 2 when studying Rube Goldberg machines.


Each student created a chain reaction machine that included a starting point, four steps and an end. 


The students used trial and error to solve problems and persevered to create fantastic machines. Rube Goldberg would be very impressed!


Please click on the video below to see Victor's amazing Rube Goldberg invention.



Carly Sayer

Middle School Leader