Junior School

Despite being just nine weeks long, term two has been full of great opportunities for our students.
Celebration Assemblies
We are excited to be able to bring back the end of semester celebration assembly and congratulations to our Junior School Captains who did an excellent job of hosting.
During these assemblies, students are recognised for Academic Excellence, Endeavour, and 100% Attendance. We have also introduced a Community Spirit Award that goes to one student in each year level who exemplifies our college values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility.
Junior School Camp
For the first week of term 3, 100 students from across years 7, 8 and 9 will participate in a five-day camp at Golden Valleys in Flinders. We look forward to sharing their adventures in our next Falcon Newsletter.
Open Night
Thank you to all of the students who participated in Open Night. Visitors to the school were impressed by all that we have to offer and by the students that they were able to interact with.
Values for Life
Early in term 2, all Junior School students participated in a workshop with Values for Life. These workshops are designed to help students build resilience and community.
The year 7s participated in ‘Bully Proof’ which focuses on ownership of bullying by the student body, particularly concentrating on the key influence of the bystander while providing evidence-based strategies on how to respond, how we can help others and actively seek support.
The year 8s participated in ‘Resilience’ which explores practical strategies regarding a growth mindset, increased self-awareness and helping students see the choices they are making regarding effective and ineffective actions.
The year 9s participated in ‘Things That Matter Most’ which explores some key factors for how to set goals and priorities in life and also demonstrates the importance of having a growth mindset, being resilient and the responsibility we have to make a positive difference in our family, school, community, and world.
We are extremely proud of the way that our year 7 and 9 students approached NAPLAN this year. Despite a two-year break, these students were able to come prepared to do their best and remain focused throughout the duration of the tests.
Junior School Team
Director of Junior School: Nina Kempinger
Year 7: Diana Kennedy and Megan Maxwell
Year 8: Tyler Kendall & Rachith Rajakumar
Year 9: Rosie Cassell & Corey Martin
Admin: Hua Chuc