
Upcoming Lyndale Careers Expo

Our 2022 Lyndale Careers Expo will be held Thursday 14th July from 10:24am to 1:45pm STEM building. 


There will be a wide variety of Tertiary Institutions and other relevant organisations. If you are teaching year 9 to year 12, please encourage your students to participate in this event as it will provide a good opportunity for students to get information on different study/career options and speak directly with university, TAFE, industry group training company representatives. You are most welcome to join in on the day. 


The arrangement for the expo will be as follows: 

Period 1:                              EXPO SET UP in West Wing building

Recess:                                Representatives Set Up

10.24am:                             LYNDALE CAREER EXPO COMMENCES 

Period 2:                             

10.24am to 11.39 am       All Year 12 COHORT 

Period 3:

11:39am – 12.10pm         All Year 11 COHORT - (30 minutes only)

Change Over

12.15pm – 12.54 pm        All Year 10 COHORT (30 minutes only)    


12.54pm – 1.45pm           All Year 9 COHORT & ALL ARE WELCOME

Period 4:                            CAREER EXPO FINISH


ALL YEAR 12 TEACHERS (Including VCAL Teachers) – 

If you are teaching a Year 12 class for Period 2, you will be required to supervise your students at the Career Expo in Stem building.



If you are teaching a Year 11 class for Period 3, you will be required to supervise your students at the Career Expo in Stem building and then take them back to your classroom after the 30 minutes.



If you are teaching a Year 10 class at Period 3.  You will be expected to take your students to Stem building for a 12.15pm start.  You will be required to supervise your students at the Career Expo.


Please note:   *Students are not permitted to miss a SAC in order to attend the Career Expo.  *All Year 9 and Year 10 students are required to complete a “Career Expo Worksheet”, in order to help them with their upcoming subject selection process.   If you are teaching a Year 9 or 10 class on the day, your class worksheet sets will be in your pigeon hole.


Phuong Pham

Careers Counsellor