
Mangahigh Achievement Report
At Lyndale, students across all year levels can use Mangahigh as a game-based learning platform for mathematics.
On Mangahigh, students complete activities to earn medals; bronze, silver or gold. Earning medals is the way that students show teachers that they have reached minimum standards in their understanding of the concept covered by that activity.
Congratulations to our Top 10 Students! Keep up the great work.
Jett Mo 9A: 313 medals
Eric Cheung 9A: 190 medals
Abiran Sasikaran 8C: 139 medals
Town Squared - a FREE game to build maths confidence
Dear Parents and carers,
An opportunity is available for you to try a new game-based platform that helps your children to better understand maths, builds their confidence, reduces maths anxiety, and provides you with insights and tips along the way.
We are excited to announce that the whole platform is currently free!
Download here -
Developed by Playlunch Games with The Mathematical Association of Victoria, Town Squared is a game that immerses children in a beautiful multiplayer world that weaves maths concepts and financial literacy learning into gameplay. Children play interesting scenarios in a collaborative and encouraging environment with their friends, applying the maths they learn in the classroom as they go.
The game also provides families with access to our Family Portal, with resources including articles by MAV that explain maths concepts, and home activities to encourage children’s interests and maths skills.
Help change a conversation about maths from one of avoidance and fear, to one of curiosity and skill-building.
Town Squared is a safe environment for children and families:
- kidSAFE certified
- No advertising to children
- No cyber-bullying
- Designed with screen time in mind
- Your data is safe and secure
Currently available for iPhone and iPad, with Android and PC versions coming soon.
Online Maths Seminar: The Mathematics of Knots
Have you been itching to do more maths and stats with us? We've got you covered. The Outreach Team from the University of Melbourne want to invite students to the following seminar:
The Mathematics of Knots
Date: Wednesday 24 August 2022
Time: 5 – 6PM AEST (Melbourne time)
Dual mode delivery: Zoom and Parkville campus
Do your headphones keep getting tangled in your bag? Shoelaces come undone? You may think that knots are something only sailors think about, but there is rich mathematics behind the theory of knots, with implications as far-reaching as your DNA.
The presenter Nicholas Beaton will introduce you to this tangly topic. There will definitely knot be any not-knot puns.
Come along and meet other likeminded individuals, chat with an academic, and learn about topics you wouldn't typically encounter at school.
Get your tickets using the links above and we hope to see you on zoom or at the Parkville campus!
Karen Huynh
Maths and Numeracy Improvement Teacher